Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sisiter Overseas

For those who don't know me I come in a package. I have a twin sister who couldn't be so similar but then so opposite. This year we hit our dirty 30. My twin sister and I are very rarely apart from each other. One of her goals in her third decade of life is to travel. She started this year off focused toward her goals.

She arrived in Costa Rica on January 7, 2009. The following day San Jose had a 6.2 magnitude earthquake. I was unaware of the earthquake since I barley watch the news anymore. I arrived at work the following morning and greeted Kri and she nonchalantly mentioned to me, "Hey did you hear about the earthquake in Costa Rica" like it was no big deal.

My heart dropped and I could not remember the last thing I mentioned to my sister. What were their plans, did they have a plan? Is she ok and why hasnt she called me? Two days went by and I realized I hadn't checked my myspace profile in a few days. I had a few new comments and scrolled down and noticed a post from my sister. Thank God, she was already somewhere else when the earthquake hit.

Now here is where we are complete opposites. She felt it would be better not to worry friends and family and made the decision to not contact anyone. Now I dont have the best common sense but usually if you want people to know you were ok you would make contact with them. Not my sis, no contact is better contact. As I read on I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that this is truely how she is. So laid back so calm. It must be that quarter hawaiian blood she had running through her veins.

I do miss my sister. I am thankful that she is in my life. I think someone upstairs knew that we would do so much better together than apart. I am excited for her safe return home.

1 comment:

  1. I would commiserate with you more about your sister if I weren't the -exact- same way. After the fact it defies logic but when you're in the middle of it you think "oh, they know I'm fine. Of course I'm fine". This is in stark contrast to my father who was in Russia in '95 when the coup was going on.

    "Hi, it's Dad. Yes you can hear rifle shots but they're not really that close..."
